Her Regenerative Agro-forestry Home Garden

Historical Evidence of Agricultural Practices in Sri Lanka


Traditional Agricultural Practices in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka island nation located in the south of India equipped with a unique agricultural system “Kandyan Agroforestry Home Gardens” a traditional way of family farming near their domestic houses of their own. During the evolution of this unique family farming system, useful trees such as herbaceous shrubs, vines, Fruits, medicinal plants, and many species of spices such as Pepper, Cinnamon, etc. Together domestic animals like cattle, goats, and chickens were identified, protected, and managed while undesirable tree species were eliminated.



By practicing this sustainable gardening traditional farmers are mainly concerned with continuously improving the soil health while facilitating flora and fauna diversity of the home gardens which results in many advantages of a healthy ecosystem surrounding their home gardens also providing year-round economic benefits due to their diversified cropping patterns cultivated without using any poisonous chemical fertilizers and any harmful pesticides to control pest attacks. They only use herbal remedies and different types of composting methods to improve soil health while preventing any diseases to the human population which are presently caused by the use of poisonous Agro Chemicals in conversational agriculture throughout the world.

Finally, by utilizing more sustainable practices, traditional farmers throughout the world Develop Harmony with Nature. Improve Harmony with Nature and society.

The Harmful Impact of the Green Revolution

With the introduction of the Green Revolution In 1950 even rural traditional farmers who had practiced sustainable agricultural practices for several generations were diverted to use chemical fertilizers, chemical harmful pesticides, and generically motivated plant species to get high yields in a short period thereby gradually despairing centuries-old harmony between rural farmers and society.



With the introduction of the Green Revolution, farmers completely neglected suitable Soil Health, especially completely declining soil biodiversity. For example, it’s very difficult to find any earthworm from any cultivated area in most parts of the country. Thus as a result of the Green Revolution soil health was destroyed, and no microorganisms or beneficial creatures such as Earthworms and many more soil insects can be found in polluted soil with chemical fertilizers and harmful pesticides used by farmers.

In practical terms, most of the beneficial insects such as Butterflies, Bees, and Dragonflies also do not exist in most Agricultural areas creating difficulties in pollinating flowers…


This destruction of Biodiversity and decline in soil health can best be visualized by the example of agricultural soils. Since the green revolution started around the 1950s and 60s, agricultural practices have been widely intensified which led to the ongoing exploitation of soils. The final results of these adverse impacts directly resulting in Global Food production will increase several deadly diseases such as Chronic Kidney Diseases and Cancer etc.

In addition to the damage to the environment, the introduction of Mono cropping results in the depletion of soil nutrients and the decline of Natural Carbon sinks thereby enhancing the Global Climate Crisis.


Regenerative Agriculture


The final goal of Regenerative Agriculture is the repair the damage caused (Since the Introduction of the Green Revolution to Sri Lanka in 1965 ) by the continuous application of Chemical Fertilizers, Chemical  Insecticide as well as replacing traditional Agroforestry systems with unsustainable Mono Cropping, unwanted extensive tillage, etc.

Regenerative Agriculture is a process of restoring degraded soils using practices based on ecological principles by giving special attention to actively enhancing the natural ecosystems of the land while preventing all unsustainable practices.

Regenerative farming seeks to improve soil health, carbon sequestration, water retention, and biodiversity by employing techniques such as cover cropping, crop rotation, no-till farming, agroforestry, and livestock integration. Regenerative farming has the potential to mitigate climate change, improve food security, and support rural livelihoods. However, regenerative farming also faces some challenges, such as a lack of awareness, incentives, and research.